At Halewood Academy, we use our core values to guide our decisions about assessment. We believe that:
In Years 10 and 11, we use prior attainment from Key Stage 2 scores to calculate each student’s Target Grade. The Target Grade given in Year 10 will be one grade below that expected in Year 11.
In years 7 - 9 we use prior attainment from Key Stage 2 or baseline tests (Due to postponement of SATS) and some practical subjects may use a robust baseline. Each student is then assigned a progress pathway that is relative to each child’s ability so we, your child and yourselves can monitor their progress.
The table below maps out the different pathways a student could be following.
This is simply a guide and pathways could be subject to change based on each child’s achievements throughout their five years. As a school, we encourage all students to give their best and there should be no limitation on their achievements. This is a benchmark and if a child works hard and listens to feedback from their teacher, they can exceed expectation.
Progress Reports – KS3 (Years 7-9)
Progress Reports – KS4 (Years 10 and 11)
Example of the Year 11 P2S1 Grade Card is below:
Examples of Year 9, 10 and 11 P2S1 Grade Card and Report below:
Example of Year 10 P2S1 Grade Card
Example of Year 11 P2S1 Grade Card
Progress Reports
In Years 7 - 9, your child will receive 3 reports per year providing a full overview of where your child is currently working as well as providing an overview of the progress they are making.In addition, there will be a focus on RACER points, attendance, behaviour and attitude to learning.
In years 7 - 9, students will receive a written comment that reports progress in words for each subject.This is especially important in Years 7-9 where the information reported will be heavily based on the on-going learning in class, including green zones so that knowledge and skills can be built upon over the five-year journey.
In Years 10 and 11, assessment of key knowledge, skills and understanding that have been assessed will continue to be reported numerically and accompanied with a written comment to report progress in words.
Learning Journey
Is a visual representation of the subject content taught over five years. These will be made available by class teachers for Students.